2022 Laser Graal Double Showerhead Tube
These are the tubes I made for myself. I was thinking of calling them the couch lock tubes or the love bong. They are made to be the ultimate daily driver. This series can hold a lot more water then other variations I've made. You don't have to hold these straight up and down, so you can enjoy them kicked back on the couch or laying in bed relaxing. Also, the bowls on these are bigger then the standard replacement size I now offer. Because of the shape of the bowl, you can fill it half full or all the way up and they will work the same.
There will only be 10 of these ever made. They all have an Orange Crayon, Cobalt, and Lotus White reversal millie. Each one will some with an authentication card that includes the same millie which is on the piece. The fuming and pattern work on each one will vary in colors
Heights range from 12"- 12.8"
-Laser Graal pattern work made with gold and silver fume over light cobalt
-Lathe Carving to easily find your ideal water level
-14mm 3-Hole bowl with matching millie
-Double Showerhead Downstem 19/14
-Heavy Glass throughout the outer walls
-Sandblasted Logo that will last the life of the tube
-Authenication Card with the same millie that is on the tube
-Fumed Double Showerhead middle perc