Custom 4.0 Mood Mats
7x11 Inches
** the following info is direct from the Mood Mats webiste
Thank you for choosing moodmats! All of our mats save "valuable rubber scraps" from entering a landfill. We are the U.S.A.'s original neoprene upcycling co. & we take everything from wetsuits, gaskets, weatherstripping, wheelchair seat molds, stock car tires, and plenty more "clean" donations to make up what we call "LAVA RUBBER". Once we have our lava, we can die-cut and print anyway we like. Keeping this material out of landfills has been our #1 priority and our mission since day one. In turn, Mother Nature hooks us up in the karma loop and introduces us to conscious customers like yourself. All our donations are privately collected, recycled and finished in NJ, U.S.A. We bring to you the highest quality & most earth friendly mats on the planet.
Piece Peace,